by Virginia
On the 21st of january "yours truly" the Editor of TVia, Proprietress of Chevalier Publications and Maid of all work in these parts went into the hospital for surgery. Virginia likes to think of it as a hysterect- omy because the girls all say they feel so much better afterward, but since it was Charles, the surgeon work- ed on, I'm afraid all he did was a double hernia re- pair. While this only requires about five days in the hospital, it will require a number of weeks of conval- escence. This, like most other things in life, is a mix- ed blessing. On the one hand I have a chance to clear up the mess that this office is constantly in, will get some things read and edited that have been laying a- bout for some time waiting for me, and I'll even try to get off a letter or two, and perhaps get some arti- cles written that need doing.
On the other hand I'm not going to be able to get about so easily, so the mailing will have to be done by others and this will occasion some delay. So please be patient about the whole business. I tried desparate- ly to get this issue in the hands of the printer before I went in, but it won't be printed till sometime after February 1st. Then since I won't be able to partake in the main mailing, that too will be dragged out. So, by the time you are reading this, you are probably all worked up into a sweat because it has been late, but now you know why.
I have for sometime been behind, as you are well aware. All I can say to all of you, is please be patient with me, you'll get things as soon as I can man- age them. If you don't get an item for sometime after you expect it, don't be hesitant about writing to ask about it, but don't expect to get an answer. This isn't meant sarcastically, but when I get inquiries like that I check to see whether it was sent. If it was I figure the shipment and the letter crossed in the mail and I